Time stands still in our moments of awareness - reminding us that there is no good or bad in the light versus dark. There just is - the present moment. Free of judgement but rich in appreciation. Rich in choice.
Tell that a woman who wakes up with bloody sheets feeling like her uterus has collapsed, had a seizure, and is know protruding though her vagina. #menstruationtruthbomb
Goodbye gentleman and welcome ladies and my remaining masculine divines to another Emgoddess phase, and this one is one my favourites... in all of her bloody, human, sticky, icky, life giving gorgeousness as the Goddess of crossroads - Hecate - walks beside us in our week of menstruation.
Menopausal? Stop right there Crone - no seriously, that was not an insult. Hecate is the Goddess of birth, death and renewal: the maid, the mother and the crone. She is one, both, or all of you. And there is nothing more powerful than the Crone as she looks into the past and conjures her future - and the future of the world. The Crone delivers the babe, teaches the mother and heals the heavens. Not much but #someonehastodoit.
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Leopard skin bodysuit *check Black tutu *check MF quartz crystal ring *check Full moon *check Menstruating *check One of my fav men in the world to demonstrate RAVESSelfDefence on *check Scratching out the eyes of the patriarchy *check |
Hecate comes in last of the four Goddesses phases to assist us in charting our cycles and getting the most of our cyclical nature at work, school, home, in relationships and most definitely when we exercise. And when I say last, I mean I have left the best for last. For Hecate has dwelt in the underworld and after the war of Titans v Gods she was the only Titan allowed to retain power in Olympus and on Earth while her co-workers were bound for eternity to lift rock, have poison eternally dripped on their eyes or be ripped apart and thrown to the four corners of Hades! She is that swelling primal force that accumulates and bursts forth like a rolling electrical storm to manifest desires and raize ill serving BS to the ground. As she lays waste to the old she unleashes quantum fertiliser to birth new life. In a Patriarchal realm she is not to be trusted, because she embodies the potential of a global mass awakening in the Kali Yuga, or great earth ascension, as we enter the Golden Age - the age of Aquarius. This is the knowledge that those that live in service-to-self, or greed and power, will be thrown into a lower dimension to work that shiz out in an endless teaching cycle of karma. The ascended will build a new earth - heaven on earth. And this could be a little scary for the self serving peeps currently in power feasting on the fear and hatred of its dominion, which segways to my next insight.
You see, since Trump came out with that 'fantastical' comment to CNN about the famously conservative Fox female reporter Megyn Kelly "bleeding from her eyes, bleeding from, whatever"... I had my own personal awakening on the way that menstruating women have been labelled as 'emotional, over reactive, irrational [fill in your own blank]'.... but most of all, COULD NOT BE TRUSTED.
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Ladies in Hecate be like "U KNOW IT, GUUUURL!!" |
Tweets and memes are just the tip of the modern day iceberg for menstration-shaming (I can't trim that down to "mens-shaming" cause #irony #oppositeday). Husbands, dads and brothers throw their hands in the air and recoil with shrieks of "I knew it" when told the lady of the house has been 'inflicted' with 'that time of the month.' Even the fact I am using so many 'inverted comma's' gives you an idea of the zeitgeist that this bodily function has on our psych. ""''!`\0/!""'
I really enjoy a good war story.... so relaxing... so educational... But God, stop! Not the sanitary products! Blah, disgusting, unnatural, vile! |
Is this shaming just a last resort to keep us small, and hasten the oncoming Golden Age? The age of love, inclusiveness and instant, gorgeous, life affirming manifestation and abundance?
In Olympian Gods v Titans Hecate was the only Titan Zeus allowed to keep her power and share it with us mere mortals to give us anything we wanted. All hail Hecate! #shethekingringadingding If we keep being told how disgusting we are, well hey, we might just start to believe it. And in the believing comes a forgetting of the power of Hecate, and a relinquishing of her divine and mighty power. The power to ask for and create whatever we want!
There is absolutely no surprise that women free of chemical birth control cycle their period to the new moon and the full moon. I do. So do my super cool friends. My first period after the birth of every one of my children cycled to the full moon. And with loads of support from Chinese medicine, nutrition and fitness I have a pain free relatively light cycle that is completely on my terms. Cause - that is the way it should cause #Iamthebossofmybody. My period is my detox and my affirmation to fertility and health by surrendering to the divine will of nature. To not bleed when fertile is like not treating an infection. It goes against the very laws of nature and stems or stays the healing cycles of our innate healing abilities. I have also known, deep inside the recesses of my womb, something that no one woman for generations has dared to say out loud for fear of being burnt at the stake - that during this time you harbour great power. You are charged with the power to create and destroy. You are the witch in the woods and the crone by the fire.
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Sounds legit... |
Sabrina on Netflix lovers would be delighted in the Season 4 final episode finale when [spoiler alert retro horrorr lovers! go to the next paragraph if you haven't caught up] the crippled Coven of the Night breaks free from the patriarchal hoof-hold of Satan and regenerates with the all powerful magic of Hecate! BaBaBaBaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Sound the celestial orchestra.
So can I offer you this? When you have your period you are so magical, so powerful that you manifest instantly. Whether this be conscious or unconscious manifestation. If you are thinking/ feeling shame you manifest more of the same. But can you imagine, just for one moment, if we cast aside the shame and started casting spells. Can you imagine? Did you just feel that? Smell that? Yes... you may have smelt fear. But it wasn't yours. It was the smell of the lower energies shitting themselves because you just remembered the truth. You are so powerful you can build a new world. Go to it Goddess. No.... wait. Go do it Titan.

Hi, I am Erin. I own the boxing MMA shed Sweat Depot that is best know for loud and sweaty MMA HIIT and HIRT classes.
I also teach RAVES self defence to schools, workplaces and families. Get excited! I am currently developing an online fitness course with Emgoddess to compliment the four phases of your feminine cycle : Daphne, Demeter, Persephone and Hecate. Persephone was my FAV cause I am a scorpio with a dark, cold conjurers imagination that also enjoys consensual hugs, fluffy, sparkly things and talking about psychopaths, aliens and bodily functions over the dinner table. As I get older I have grabbed Hecate and begged her to embody me with her strength and wisdom and all knowing power. She can help us change the world, and I am up for that!
Now that you know (probs a little too much) about me join the Emgoddess community to get onboard with your feminine fitness journey in the presence of Goddesses and Naiads no less!